Archive for March, 2017

PITS continued

Posted: March 29, 2017 in 6mm, Baccus, Patrols in the Sudan

Slow progress due to real life getting in the way have finished painting my next squad for PITS, just need to finish basing….

Royal Marines ready to face the fuzzies.

As April rapidly approaches thoughts turn to Salute and this year’s project, or rather this year’s pile of lead to add to the altar of unpainted shiny a testament to my inability to focus on one project and see it to the end.

Gordon’s Alive!!!!!!!

This year it shall be Peter Pigs Patrols in the Sudan. I have had this one on the back burner for over a year now, in fact it was going to be last year’s focus before I decided to go all in on hail caesar in 10mm. What put me off last year was the cost of the starter forces in 15mm, I like to have at least two opposing forces for any ruleset and that would be close to 80 quid and that’s without scenery on which the game relies. The range of plastics out there in 28mm from Perry makes scaling up a credible option however again the cost of scenery would be an issue.

Baccus to the rescue

So if 15mm and 28mm are not an option that leaves scaling down 10mm and 6mm. Pendraken do an excellent Sudanese range in 10mm however I decided to go to the premier manufacturer of mini minis, the undisputed 6mm champions Baccus. Whilst the range isn’t as extensive as Pendraken, Baccus offer a good selection of minis more than enough to cover the primary units. 

Small yet perfectly formed!

Peter Pigs starter force of 3 British units comprising of 8 bases each and 4 bases of scouts, for a total of 28 bases comes in at £34, one pack of 96 troops, enough to make 4 units and 3 extra bases from Baccus comes in at £6.60 + £2 for bases means that you can have a starter force for just over a quarter of the price!

Steady lad’s….. wait to you see the whites of their eyes!!!!

So far I have made up two units and have two to complete, I have ordered a couple of bags of Mahdists for the princely sum of £13.20 again just under a Quater of the price of a Peter Pig Mahdist starter box.

More to follow…….